This isn't a lie

I'm going crazy

Monday, January 12, 2009

Being 20 and (not) loving it.

Holy crap son, I’m 20.

It didn’t hit me until just now (Jan 13, 2009, 6:35 am in the morning. That’s nearly 6 months after by birthday) but I’m god damn 20. I’m not a teenager anymore, my youth is fading. I know it’s not that big of a deal to some; but it is to me. I’m 1 year older (and one year wiser?).

Point is I’m 20 and to be honest, I always thought that I would’ve achieved much more than what I have so far. I’m in uni (I’ve failed 5 subjects), no girlfriend, no job at the moment, and well…I haven’t accomplished much at all. I always thought I’d have some mad ass asian chick and we’d be border lining marriage by now, clearly not the case.

I guess I’m just freaking out because I’m not a youngin anymore, in afew more years I’ll be working full time, being self-sufficient and all that jazz. But right now I still feel like a child, a manly child but still a child. I don’t feel aged, and I’m definitely not taking things as seriously as I should be. Granted I wasn’t sitting around enjoying tasty alcoholic beverages, bumming around till 7 in the morning and getting up to such shenanigans with my mates when I was 13; but I just don’t feel 20.

Hopefully in 5 years time;

• I’d be massive, why? Because I can say shit like “you just got a ticket to the gun show baby” and not look like a huge tool (maybe an undersized tool though).
• Have a decent job (to pay for the following).
• Have tons of mad shit in my room, bachelor pad anyone?
• Have a nice gf, which kind of defeats the purpose of a bachelor pad.
• Have a massive walk in wardrobe.
• Would’ve travelled, or plan to travel soon.
• Be working with Andy and Chii Shi on our little project.
• Be living the life I thought I’d be living now.

Ps. I fucking hate mosquitoes, I’ve got like 20 bites (4 of them on 1 foot) on me from the past week of miscellaneous outings and it has left me very disheveled.

Pps. I’m hungry now and I should make a sandwich, unfortunately I’m out of condiments and will only end up with a relatively commonplace sandwich. Very unsatisfying indeed.

Ppps. This is just too awesome; something about knee high boots and hot Asians just do it for me. If you look like this and have a pair of hot boots, please come over :) clothing optional.

1 comment:

Pierre said...